A very interesting plugin when working with QGIS is the possibility to run autosave of our project or of the layers being edited.

The autosave allows saving the changes over our project or layer being edited on a scheduled way every few minutes, as we work.

This way we can avoid the loss of information due to programme crashes, electrical flow failures, etc…. anything that could cause the loss of our work.

For that, we have available the “AutoSaver” plugin. We just need to access the add-ons section, search and install the plugin.

Once it is installed, open it and check the verification box to enable the autosave of the map project (1).

Once the autosave of the project is enabled, we will also have the possibility to extend the autosave to the layers in editing (3).

There is also the possibility of creating a backup file (.bak), to create a backup copy external to the map document (2).

In the lower part of the window we can define the time interval (expressed in minutes) on the basis of which the autosave is carried out (4).

After everything is configured, all that remains is to accept (5).

Hope you get the most out of this plugin, both simple and essential.

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El autoguardado en QGIS.

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